
Can’t install a pkg anymore on Solaris 11

If you get this:

root@reno:~# pkg install header-math
pkg: 0/1 catalogs successfully updated:

Unable to contact valid package repository
Encountered the following error(s):
Unable to contact any configured publishers.
This is likely a network configuration problem.
Framework error: code: 7 reason: Failed to connect to Network is unreachable
URL: ‘’. (happened 4 times)

Then go to Building a Solaris 11 repository without network connection which will remind you what to do!

Enable the postfix Mail Transfer Agent

I want to use git’s mailing capabilities on OS X Lion to send out patches. How do I configure the MTA?

This Enable the postfix Mail Transfer Agent looks interesting, but old:

  loghyr:postfix root# head /etc/hostconfig 
  # This file is going away

But I think we can control all of this from the postfix(1).

  loghyr:postfix root# postconf -d | grep etc
  alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
  alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
  config_directory = /etc/postfix
  sample_directory = /etc/postfix

I’m going to need a version for my home network and my vpn network:

loghyr:postfix root# cp
loghyr:postfix root# cp
loghyr:postfix root# cp

Edit the config files and start it:

loghyr:postfix root# cp
loghyr:postfix root# postfix start 
postfix/postfix-script: warning: group or other writable: /Library/Server/Mail/Data/mta
postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system

How do I get it to stay launched? What’s the correctly way to make Postfix run permanently on Lion (not server)

I can switch my config files as needed.

Hmm, it works. I can’t show you, but it works.

The main thing I changed from the article I linked in was the relayhost:

relayhost = []

My setup assumes that I am connecting to an already working mail server in the domain. I.e., my iMac isn’t going to be receiving mail, just sending it.

Ha, mutting again

I get tired of Outlook messing with my space alignment when I cut and paste code. I don’t care if I turn off HTML or not, it still does it. And even if I turn off HTML, the Linux-NFS mailing list rejects my posts.

So, back to mutt. The big thing people complain about when I switch back and forth between mutt and something else, is that my “From” flips from “Tom Haynes” and “Haynes, Tom”.

I tried setting gecos_mask in my .muttrc, but no joy.

This worked for me instead:
set realname=”Haynes, Tom”

I don’t care what format it is in, as long as people don’t gripe. :->

After 14 years, LaTeX copy of PhD thesis just works

No bit rot at all – sat 14 years on a CD and with minimal effort I was able to get my dissertation built.

Thomas Dunlop Haynes. Collective Adaptation: The Sharing of Building Blocks. PhD thesis, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, USA, 1998.

I want to contrast that against my Master’s thesis, which I did in Word and which was a major pain in the rear. Of course, I converted it to LaTeX source as well, and I could probably get it posted up here as well.

I could probably get the GP engine code running again and regenerate all of the data from scratch in a fraction of time on the systems I have sitting around the house. Ahh, too geeky!

Adding more memory to Simulate ONTAP™

Just like anything else, your Simulate ONTAP™ will run faster if you give it more memory. And while you should not decrease this value, you can increase it. Edit this file:

loghyr:nsim-1.vmware thomas$ vi DataONTAP.vmx

to bump it, e.g.,

loghyr:nsim-1.vmware thomas$ diff DataONTAP.vmx ../DataONTAP.vmx | grep memsize
< memsize = "4000" > memsize = "1600"

Note that as you are running a cluster, you will have at least two of these running and your upper limit is the amount of RAM available to your host computer.