Speaking of ugly code
The following violates many coding principals that I normally hold true to, but it was actually cool to code using the string variables as a stack.
#!/usr/bin/perl # print hostlets # # 192.168.$i.0 $titan = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 11; $i++) { $j = 0; $l = 0; $m = 0; $n = 0; $monster = ""; $groupzilla = ""; while ($j < 256) { $monster .= " hostlet_" . $i . "_" . $l; print "hostlet_" . $i . "_" . $l . " "; for ($k = 0; $k < 10 && $j < 256; $k++) { print "(192.168.$i.$j,,) "; $j++; } print "\n"; $l++; if (($l % 5 == 0) || $j >= 255) { $groupzilla .= " monster_" . $i . "_" . $m; print "monster_" . $i . "_" . $m . $monster . "\n"; $monster = ""; $m++; } } $titan .= " groupzilla_" . $i; print "groupzilla_" . $i . $groupzilla . "\n"; } print "titan" . $titan . "\n";
Some VMware Fusion networking resources
How to modify Fusion network settings whitepaper which leads to this PDF: VMware Fusion Network Settings – Part 1.pdf
Advanced Networking Configuration – Tokamak Networking Scripts for VMware Fusion
No clue if there is a Fusion 3.x version of Tokamak. There is!
Allowing root ssh logins to Solaris machines
I’ve been away from Solaris for 5 months, but I need some VMs for NFSv4 testing, which means beating my head against modernization such as RBAC, pfexec, and NWAM.
I prefer to treat my lab Unix machines as inter-changable boxes and do all of my configuration up front. I want to be able to do an SSH root login, especially if the system goes out of the way to make that hard.
There are currently 3 things you have to do to violate this security truism on either OpenSolaris or Solaris 11:
1) Modify PermitRootLogin to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
2) Comment out the “CONSOLE=/dev/console” line in /etc/default/login.
3) Remove “;type=role” from the root entry in /etc/user_attr.
Really nasty Solaris 11 install
I just installed two VMs with the Solaris 11 express (snv_151a) and when I turned off nwam, one worked and the second did not:
svcadm disable svc:/network/physical:nwam svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:default
The network would come up, both ifconfig and netstat -rn showed reasonable values, but the machine would only ping iff nwam were turned on.
It turned out to be ipfiltering:
root@snarf:~# ping ping: sendto Network is unreachable root@snarf:~# ipfstat -io block out log all pass out quick on lo0 all pass out quick proto udp from any to any port = bootps block in log all pass in quick on lo0 all pass in quick proto udp from any to any port = bootpc root@snarf:~# svcadm disable svc:/network/ipfilter root@snarf:~# ping is alive root@snarf:~# ipfstat -io empty list for ipfilter(out) empty list for ipfilter(in)
It was not enabled on the first machine, but was on the second. I have no clue what I did differently in the first install.
Configuring Fedora Core 14 network interfaces in a dual-hosted VM
I’ve got several VMs running with eth0 being bridged and eth1 being host only. I see the routes:
[thomas@mage ~]$ ip route dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth1
The problem being that is flipped from what I want for the default route. I suspect the issue is that eth0 is set up to be configured via DHCP.
I read a bit and it was suggested that not only does /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 have to have:
But /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 should have:
I made that change and cleared that hurdle:
[thomas@mage ~]$ ip route dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth0
FWIW, here are my config files:
[thomas@mage ~]$ more /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? :::::::::::::: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 :::::::::::::: DEVICE="eth0" NM_CONTROLLED="no" ONBOOT=yes HWADDR=00:50:56:2E:52:F0 TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEFROUTE=yes PEERROUTES=yes IPV6INIT=no UUID=5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 :::::::::::::: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 :::::::::::::: DEVICE=eth1 HWADDR=00:0C:29:97:74:DB TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= PREFIX=24 GATEWAY= DNS1= IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=yes IPV6INIT=no UUID=539d9802-fe1a-4b44-8d80-8a03f35aa844 ONBOOT=yes DEFROUTE=no
Annoying lag in “command not found”
[tdh@wont ~]$ jjj Command not found.
Followed by an annoying lag. FC13 does not do this, but FC14 does.
It turns out there is a package called PackageKit-command-not-found and it is controlling this behavior.
[root@wont PackageKit]# pwd /etc/PackageKit [root@wont PackageKit]# diff CommandNotFound.conf CommandNotFound.conf.STOCK 35c35 < SoftwareSourceSearch=false --- > SoftwareSourceSearch=true
And problem solved! I.e., I want to keep the other features of the package (for now), so this gives the solution with the least impact.
Have btrfs installed and running
I went ahead and reinstalled wont with FC14 – I probably could have done a:
[root@wont ~]#Â yum install btrfs-progs [root@wont ~]#Â modprobe btrfs [root@wont ~]#Â mkfs.btrfs -L VMstordev /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd [root@wont ~]#Â mount /dev/sdb /kanigix
The hardest thing was getting the /etc/fstab correct because of the need to probe for devices after boot time:
/dev/sdb /kanigix btrfs defaults,device=/dev/sdb,device=/dev/sdc,device=/dev/sdd 0 1
Guruplug server for Xmas
I got a Guruplug Server for Xmas and right away I noticed the noise – the system is loud.
I bought a 8G thumb drive for the filesystem, so once I upgrade the kernel, I’ll have a hot spare sitting there for my dns, nis, mail, etc.